What has been done so far?

What has been done so far?

What has been done so far?

One of the first activities of our project was to carry out a “Needs Analysis” research, aiming to collect information on which are the main needs and characteristics of older people with intellectual disabilities/learning difficulties and their families, regarding to their bio-psycho-social care, in order to improve their quality of life.

The research was conducted in Spain, Greece, Denmark and United Kingdom (project partners’ countries) and the target groups were professionals in the field of health and social care with experience in working with elderly people with intellectual disabilities, such as care home managers, support workers, and psychiatric therapists, as well as teaching staff from educational institutes.


Let’s see some of the results!

  SPAIN (Responsible partners: Errotu, Centro San Viator)

In Spain the main conclusion from the research is that although the age limit is increasing and people with intellectual disabilities make up a large proportion of the population, people who are trained in the care and active ageing of the elders with intellectual disabilities are not enough. Most of the organisations which participated to the research answered that they don’t have a specific active ageing program. Finally, it was pointed out that there is a strong desire for more training and specialization in the field of active ageing of elders with intellectual disabilities.

  GREECE (Responsible partner: p-consulting.gr)

In Greece, it was pointed out that the people who are taking care of elders with intellectual disabilities need more educational support so as to increase their knowledge and skills in the field of active ageing of older people with intellectual disabilities. Moreover, it was pointed out that most of the organisations which are taking care older people and/or older people with intellectual disabilities, don’t provide specialised active ageing programs.

  UNITED KINGDOM ( Responsible partner: Bridgwater & Taunton College)

In the United Kingdom the majority of people caring for elderly people with intellectual disabilities do not have any specialized training in this field or in active aging. It was also found from the questionnaire replies that there is not enough accessible information for people who want to further enrich their knowledge in the field of active ageing of the elders with intellectual disabilities. Therefore, a specialized program would help the caregivers themselves and the relatives of elderly people so as to be ready to encounter the special needs with a better way.

  DENMARK (Responsible partner: SOSU Østjylland)

People in Denmark have received training in the field of active ageing programs so that they can meet the needs of elders with intellectual disabilities. They presented some good practices that they are used in their centres and they pointed out that more education in this area of care for the elders with intellectual disabilities would be beneficial.


Stay tuned to learn more about the activities of our project!

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Website: https://active-ageing.training/

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