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Active Ageing featured
Our new European project Erasmus+ KA2, AIDA “ACTIVE AGEING for the ELDERLY with ID” is approved. AIDA project started on October 2020, its duration is 2 years, and it will be completed in November 2022.

What are the objectives of the AIDA project?

AIDA aims to:
  • Improve the quality of life of elders with ID, by drawing a map that will clearly indicate what type of bio-psycho-social characteristics and needs they present
  • Identify the technical competences necessary for VET teachers of the Community Service and Social Health Care families, as well as Direct Care professionals who work with the elderly with ID, in order to improve their professional training
  • Design a VET curriculum for professional Families of Community Service and Social Health Care as well as for Direct Care professionals who work with the elderly with ID, which will contain quality content to improve training of the VET teachers and the professionals themselves
  • Develop online training with the highest possible quality and adapted to the needs of the elderly with ID and the target group.

What is the target group of AIDA project?

The target group of the project is:
  • Entities, organizations and professionals whose professional work focuses on working with elderly with ID
  • Teachers of the professional families of Community Service and Social Health Care
  • Professionals in the field of intellectual disability
  • Relatives of elderly with ID

What will be produced from the project?

The outputs of the project will be:
  • Identification of elder people with Intellectual Disabilities
  • Curriculum for VET
  • Online Training for VET
AIDA is implemented by five partners from Spain, Greece, Denmark and United Kingdom.

Stay with us for more news about our project!

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