
Patras – Greece | Inter-departmental seminar-event for AIDA, focusing on nursing and active ageing for the elderly.

On Tuesday, 16/5, our Greek Partner, organized an educational and informative presentation at the welcoming venue of IEK DELTA 360° VET Center. The event showcased interesting information and topics related to care and quality of life in the elderly stage including experts in the field of health sciences. The event began with a warm […]

Patras – Greece | Inter-departmental seminar-event for AIDA, focusing on nursing and active ageing for the elderly. Leer más »

The Importance of Physical Activity for Older Adults with Intellectual Disabilities

The Importance of Physical Activity for Older Adults with Intellectual Disabilities

Physical activity is important for everyone, but it is especially important for older adults with intellectual disabilities (ID). Physical activity can help older adults with ID to maintain their physical health, improve their mental health, and reduce their risk of falls and other injuries. There are many different types of physical activity that older adults

The Importance of Physical Activity for Older Adults with Intellectual Disabilities Leer más »

A little story to create local inspiration and innovation. (Part 2)

The idea base The ideas and  principles Skovsgård Hotel and other activities has been developed according to are named PHIL: P for production, as an alternative to sheltered workshops, with an emphasis on development and meaningful employment. H(in danish handicap) for the disabled – blurring the gap between different groups of people with disabilities –

A little story to create local inspiration and innovation. (Part 2) Leer más »

Ageing is easier with you

Over the last few years, the ageing rate is growing unstoppably in Spain. In 2021, it reached 129.11%, which means that there are already 129 over-64s for every 100 under-16s. In particular in the Basque Country, the ageing rate reached 158.5%. Bearing in mind this context, different initiatives have been carried out with the aim

Ageing is easier with you Leer más »

intellectual disabilities

Active Aging of elderly people with intellectual disabilities

Active Aging of elderly people with intellectual disabilities: from the individual initiative to the collective project On December the 3rd , the International Day of Persons with Disabilities was celebrated. This date offers the opportunity to highlight the need to break down barriers in order to create  a more inclusive society. Likewise, this celebration aims

Active Aging of elderly people with intellectual disabilities Leer más »


Dilemma between self-determination and duty of care

A Swedish report by R&D-Södertörn suggests that dilemmas may arise between staff and adults with developmental inhibitions, especially when the adult with developmental inhibition eats or drinks too much and at the same time must be supported in his right to self-determination and conduct his own choices (Assadi, 2012). The R&D-Södertörn report highlights in particular

Dilemma between self-determination and duty of care Leer más »

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